Monday, 30 November 2015

Aachen 2015

Click here for photos of the year 7s at the Aachen Christmas Market...

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Rutlish is preparing for a German visitor...

Hello! Hallo! Moin!

Ich heiße Svenja Bingel und bin Lehrerin für die Fächer Englisch und Sport an der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Schule in Wittmund. Die Schule ist eine kooperative Gesamtschule und wird daher häufig auch KGS Wittmund genannt. Ungefähr 1700 Schülerinnen und Schüler besuchen die KGS. Etwa 150 Lehrerinnen und Lehrer unterrichten die Kinder und Jugendlichen.

Wittmund ist eine Stadt und liegt im Nordwesten Niedersachsens. Hier leben ca. 20300 Menschen. Bis zur Nordsee - zum UNESCO Weltnaturerbe - dem Wattenmeer - ist es nicht weit. Am Meer gibt es viel zu entdecken und zu erleben.

Ich fahre gerne ans Meer und entspanne mich oder schaue den Kite-Surfern vom Strand aus zu. Ansonsten spiele ich sehr gerne Fußball oder mache andere Sportarten.

Ich werde euch bald an eurer Schule besuchen und freue mich sehr darauf euch kennenzulernen und zu schauen, wie der Unterricht an eurer Schule stattfindet. Zögert nicht mich anzusprechen!

Ich freue mich auf den Aufenthalt und viele spannende Begegnungen.

Bis bald!

Christmas Market Trips 2015

Places are now available on the Aachen and Lille Christmas Market trips. See your MFL teacher for more info. 

Hallo Berlin!

See all the photos from the Rutlish Berlin Trip 2015 here

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Congratulations to the 2015 Year 7 Spelling Bee Champions

German Spelling Bee Champions:

1st - Kaatheesan Sayanthakumar 7S

2nd - Rakul Aura 7R
3rd - Amir Khan 7S & Kristian Dukov 7R

French Spelling Bee Champions:

1st - Ben Stokes 7P
2nd - Siem Leliveld 7V
3rd - Cyril Obeng 7K

Monday, 1 June 2015

Language Perfect World Championship 2015 - The Results

At the end of the competition, Rutlish achieved the following:
  • 175th globally out of 1077 schools for all languages
  • 10th globally for German out of 836 schools
  • 6th overall in England for all languages out of 64 schools
  • 4th globally in 1-50 student category for all languages out of 235 schools
  • 1st globally for German in 1 - 50 student category out of 120 schools

In-school competition:

At the top:
Inia 19,268
Fahim 11,951
Antoine 8012

Number of certificates:
Elite 2
Gold 7
Silver 9

Bronze 12
Credit 5

Friday, 22 May 2015

Language Perfect World Championship Day 5 update

Inia is still on top for England across all languages in the global competition. His nearest English competitor is 51 positions behind him!
Rutlish's global performance data:
  • 154th globally out of 1051 schools for all languages
  • 9th globally for German out of 731 schools
  • 6th overall in England for all languages out of 62 schools
  • 3rd globally in 1-50 student category for all languages out of 212 schools
  • 1st globally for German in 1 - 50 student category out of 95 schools

In-school competition:

At the top:
Inia 8518

Antoine 6059
Najib 5759
At the bottom:
Jaanusan 107
Shahzeb 32
James 0

Number of certificates so far:
Elite 0
Gold 4
Silver 8 

Bronze 11
Credit 6

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Inia is leading the way for England in the global Language Perfect World Championship competition

At the start of Day 4 Inia is the top scorer across all languages from England in the global competition.
Rutlish's global performance data:
  • 152nd globally out of 1041 schools for all languages
  • 9th globally for German out of 686 schools
  • 6th overall in England for all languages out of 61 schools
  • 3rd globally in 1-50 student category for all languages out of 202 schools
  • 1st globally for German in 1 - 50 student category out of 85 schools

In-school competition:

At the top:
Inia 6405
Najib 5376
Antoine 4663
At the bottom:
Jaanusan 60
Shahzeb 25
James 0

Number of certificates so far:
Elite 0
Gold 3
Silver 4
Bronze 12

Credit 9

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Language Perfect World Championship 2015 is underway

From 18th - 28th May 10A/De1 and 10B/De1 will take part in the global competition. 

At the start of day 3 the table looks like this.

At the top

Inia 4349
Najib 4210
Antoine 3104

At the bottom:
Tony 48
James 0
Shahzeb 0

Number of certificates so far:

Elite 0

Gold 3
Silver 3
Bronze 8
Credit 10

Monday, 18 May 2015

9R/De1 Competition winners

Congratulations to

1. Mark Binks 9S
2. Jason Lee 9A
3. Mohammed Abbas 9R 

for their achievements in the in-class Vocab Express competition.

Mark comprehensively took first place with an amazing score of 18,630 followed by Jason with 13,065 and Mohammed with 11,280. All three are the recipients of a £5 Amazon voucher.

The Vocab Express competition ran over 3 weeks ending on May 17th.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Japanese Day at SOAS

Nine budding artists and linguists from year nine attended a Japanese Day at SOAS on Tuesday 5th May.  More information and photos available here.